New Zealand citizen
You are eligible for customs clearance only if you stay in Korea for 21 months.
Student visa
Those with permanent residency can clear customs several times in five years.
After five years, you will only be eligible for customs clearance if you stay in Korea longer than 21 months.
Work visa more than 1 year
You must have at least one year left before your visa is eligible for customs clearance.
Long term business visa
Tourist visa more than 3 years
As the New Zealand Immigration Act is revised (November 2007), only the person in the above qualifications is eligible for
customs clearance, and a student visa that was previously available for more than one year and a Guardian visa is no longer
qualified for the customs clearance. (However, if a student visa contains only books, clothes, and blankets, he or she may be
eligible according to the circumstances at that time.)
In the past, tourist visa would clear the customs clearance with the payment of DEPOSIT to customs authorities without taxes,
but from November 17th 2011, the customs clearance deposit system has been abolished, and regardless of new or
used products, and the tax will be levied on used products (tax = customs + Vat)
Also, if you have a refrigerator, a kimchi refrigerator, or a washing machine in your shipment that comes in with a tourist visa
or a study visa, the tax will be levied on either new or used products. Because Korean refrigerator and washer are subjec
to the dumping tariff in New Zealand, high tariff is imposed. (Only Korean manufacturers such as Samsung, Daewoo, and
LG are subject to the dumping tariff.)
At the moment, for those people have a long-term business visa, or more than one year of work visa, or without the
permanent residency, have already applied to the Department of Immigration through the Ministry and received can clear
the customs clearance only if you receive a deposit without paying a tax, and you can get the deposit money only,
but the tax is attributable to the New Zealand government. The deposit must be returned within six months from the date of
payment by receiving permanent residence or work visa. Otherwise, this deposit is paid in this case. It is also vested in the
Government. Customs can take 7 to 10 days from the date of submission to customs.